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Bullet physics implementation and other stuff Jan. 25, 2011, 1:56 a.m.
hey cybermax
How can i export you bullet primitive group with animation curve ,i want to test export it as fbx to other software ? I use chop ‘s geometry node and Attribute Scope is bullet_translate Rename Scope is tx ty tz .but i get the curve name tx0 tx1…. . with dop out curve i can use chop’s node dynamics and i can get curve name like piece0:tx,piece0:ty……. .and i have another question how can i use you bullet tool do rebreak :?: thank you
How can i export you bullet primitive group with animation curve ,i want to test export it as fbx to other software ? I use chop ‘s geometry node and Attribute Scope is bullet_translate Rename Scope is tx ty tz .but i get the curve name tx0 tx1…. . with dop out curve i can use chop’s node dynamics and i can get curve name like piece0:tx,piece0:ty……. .and i have another question how can i use you bullet tool do rebreak :?: thank you