Sewang Kim


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ForEach Sop Applied to Points Sept. 27, 2012, 10:38 p.m.

Thanks guys,

Inside the Voronoi Fracture Sop, there are a bunch of ForEach Sop Nodes, actually one of which is being used in the way that you've just mentioned(using Sort Sop). And yeah, when I set the tolerance parm to 0, it rarely seems to have the swapping anymore. Still I see the swapping occurring sometimes.

Zack, I don't think they're changing. For example, if you keep track of the attribute value of point 5, you'll see the same value for point 5 even after ForEach sop (applied to points) applied; swapping occurred.

ForEach Sop Applied to Points Sept. 26, 2012, 4:01 p.m.

Hi guys,

When I check “apply to points” parm on in the ForEach Sop with “Each Attribute Value” chosen, I see some points swap their point numbers to each other.
Of course this doesn't happen if I write point attribute value as “$PT” in the AttributeCreate Sop. But even when I change the attribute value to “rand($PT*324)”, the order of point numbers don't seem to follow the attribute values. Just wonder why the swapping occurs when I use the “apply to points” parameter.

Thanks in advance, hope see some threads


hscript command for copying take May 21, 2012, 12:17 a.m.

Hello guys,

I have a simple question about hscript command. Do you guys know any command that copy any existing take so that I have all the inherited settings for the new take? I know I can do this in take list by ctrl c and v but I want to automate in my scripts.

I'd appreciate any help,
