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Camera in Houdini, is there an "auto vertical tilt correction"? April 22, 2022, 1:28 p.m.
I tried, and no, it's still not visible in the 3d viewport. This makes it really hard to work with. I sure hope sidefx can add support.
To my simple eyes, Vertical Aperture Offset (for USD, winx/winy for an obj camera) look aboooout the same as a vertical lens shift. (I'm able to keep vertical lines vertical). Can someone calrify what's the difference between the two?
To my simple eyes, Vertical Aperture Offset (for USD, winx/winy for an obj camera) look aboooout the same as a vertical lens shift. (I'm able to keep vertical lines vertical). Can someone calrify what's the difference between the two?