Daniel Sidi


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CROWD: Agent Foot Locking not behaving as expected July 13, 2020, 10:11 a.m.

Here is the left foot

LeftFoot_Planted channed is shown in Orange and LeftToeBase_Planted is the Yellow channel.

As far as I was aware, if the planted channel has a value of 0, then the foot or toe is not planted and can move off the ground.
Is that correct or an over-simplification?
Why does the Left Foot become ‘not-planted’ for a couple of frames and then become planted again?
That does not make sense to me.

Any help would be great, thank you!


CROWD: Agent Foot Locking not behaving as expected July 13, 2020, 9:53 a.m.


I have a crowd agent using a mocap clip. I am setting up foot locking and find one clip is not behaving as expected.

Even though the RightFoot_Planted channel is at 0, the Right Foot is still planted and I cannot explain why.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot

(The RightFoot_Planted channel is the dark green line, the RightToeBase_Planted is the light green line)


Crowds in Solaris/Lops/USD June 30, 2020, 2:03 p.m.

Hi Mark,

Thanks very much for your message.

Yes, the GL update issue is annoying.
Yes, the constant crashing when changing to the renderer from GL is very annoying.
Yes, there are gaps in the documentation regarding what I am attempting to do.
Yes, Houdini Crowd people are few and far between, so there is not that much specific help on this forum for us.
I usually get “I don't know about Crowds, but try this thing that works for RBDs” Of course it never works for crowds.

So thank you for taking time to try and answer my questions. I will have to go back into Solaris/Lops/USD and try it now.
