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Question for the developers: FBX Support? Dec. 17, 2002, 6:27 p.m.

Hey J.C.,

You bring up many points I didn't even consider. There's alot more involved than what I had initially thought. No need to apologize for being negative. It reads more realistic than anything. Thanks for your input.

Question for the developers: FBX Support? Dec. 17, 2002, 10:33 a.m.

Hi there,

I was wondering if the developers for Houdini would consider adding FBX support so that Houdini could work with Kaydara Motionbuilder. Here is a quote from Michel Besner of Kaydara posted on the 3D Buzz forum:

There is more than 20 companies on board to support FBX.

Maxon is slated to have FBX support for Cinema4D very soon !!

Both truespace and houdini don't have any plans to support FBX…. but you can ask them to do so (we sell an SDK to software companies in order for them to support FBX)


I'm currently enrolled in the online Houdini course being offered at 3D Buzz (which is AWESOME by the way-thanks for supporting free education!) and would like to learn Motionbuilder as well and it would nice to know that in the future the two applications would work well together.

H5 on Linux, claims 4.X server on our 5 SGI server Nov. 25, 2002, 3:06 p.m.

I just installed Linux to try it with Apprentice but I'm experiencing the same error that Joe talks about. At first the license server showed localhost.localdomain so I did as was suggested (changing the server name through File>Change Licensee Server to my computer name. It immediately showed that it was now running. But when I followed the rest of the steps and tried running houdini again, the License Server reverted back to localhost.localdomain.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?