Fernando Reule
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VFX Artist
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Sharpen a Model Aug. 27, 2024, 6:11 p.m.
Hey Everybody,
here is my take on the subject. I would love to get rid of that final smooth operator. Any ideas are very welcome!
I'd go further and say you actually improved Zbrush's ClayPolish tool. And it's also much better than Lab's mesh sharpen. Thanks a lot!!
Export multiple fbx files April 16, 2024, 6:17 p.m.
EDIT: Ok I figured it out. Apparently the "0" doesn't count as input (which now that I understand it totally makes sense). So I replaced with the actual path and it worked. Thanks!
For some reason I can't get the @name attribute as a file output as I can in a regular, single-frame ROP FBX Output.
This output code works perfectly in the regular FBX Output node (but it doesn't render frame range):
But inside the Topnet the exact same code doesn't work:
I'm exporting different geometries with very different asset names, so I wanted to use the @name attribute from the geometry. I didn't want to use a generic "building_$F" (which works just fine).
Any clues on how to do that?
For some reason I can't get the @name attribute as a file output as I can in a regular, single-frame ROP FBX Output.
This output code works perfectly in the regular FBX Output node (but it doesn't render frame range):
But inside the Topnet the exact same code doesn't work:
I'm exporting different geometries with very different asset names, so I wanted to use the @name attribute from the geometry. I didn't want to use a generic "building_$F" (which works just fine).
Any clues on how to do that?
Attrib Create Value not overriding Default value? Aug. 29, 2023, 3:04 p.m.
"active" is a point integer attribute, not a float attribute. Try change type in attribcteate SOP and you get what you want.
Yes, but weirdly enough, it works as float too in the 2nd example.
I remember trying switching to integer and getting the same error, but now I tried it again and indeed it works, thanks!
active should be an int attrib - if you switch the attribcreate SOP's type to Integer in your first example, it works as expected.
in a wrangle you can doi@active = i@group_groupexpand2;
Yup, tried again and it works, thanks!