Jacob Børsting


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Layer save path / flatten layers Feb. 7, 2023, 3:10 a.m.

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your reply.

It seems the writing out of the layer USD files is necessary to keep the structure intact.
Is there a way to override the layer save path syntax for everything in a hip? It seems to default to $HIP/primPath/OUT.USD

Layer save path / flatten layers Feb. 6, 2023, 4:10 a.m.


We occasionally run into issues, where Solaris decides to write out parts of the script as it's own USD files. It could be a subnet including multiple sopcreate nodes or a range of Light nodes.

Is there a way to always flatten these layers created in the script and avoid Solaris trying to write out temp USD files for different parts of the script? And what is the logic behind when it's including everything in the main USD we write out and when it's trying to split out the layers.

We have the main USD rop node set to "Flatten Implicit Layers" and we don't have any Layer Save Path's defined anywhere in the script.

Write mute state of layers to USD output Sept. 28, 2022, 6:07 a.m.

So there's no, none destructive/flattening way, to disable/mute a layer in the Solaris graph and have that propagate to the resulting USD file, that will be passed to HUSK?

I guess a workflow could be to save the state of each USD layer as metadata within the Stage and use a pre-render script within HUSK to mute layers based on that.