Josh Masters


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Recent Forum Posts

How to export multiple animation clips to a glTF? April 25, 2023, 2:36 a.m.

bump, anyone figure out how to get multiple clips in one glTF?

What holds yourself/studio from adopting Houdini more? April 5, 2022, 5:09 p.m.

To me I still find myself running back to C4D for ease-of-use regarding setting up lights and placing objects.
Also, Redshift material packs are a core part of my lookdev workflow. While I know there are ways to import material libraries from GSG (for example) into Houdini, it seems like a hacky and unintuitive workflow for now.

I know Solaris is trying to solve some of Houdini's limitations in those ways, but I haven't spent the time to learn it.
Other than that, I love Houdini and would prefer to just stay in it if possible.