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Mac OSX Port? Aug. 23, 2006, 7:23 p.m.

with the new MacPro's you have the ultimate machine now.
quad core 64 bit xeons, capable of running osx, linux, and windows.

so you have the option of using whatever software you want.
by the end of the year paralles should have a 3d working copy of their virtualization platform ready, then maybe you could run a non native version on the mac with decent speed.

since autodesk has yet to release a universal build of maya (not sure about lightwave) houdini could get in as one of the first major 3d packages to work on the new universal mac pro's.

alot of ppl like using final cut studio and shake, and its nice to use photoshop, however not many ppl like constantly rebooting, or moving over to use their software, having houdini on the intel mac would be a great move.

it could be released as beta only, not an offical product of which sidefx has to support, and the end users can download and run the latest builds and work most of the bugs out before houdini can release a major version.

apologies if any of this sounds incoherent as im rather sleepy at the moment.