Patrick Schuler


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Legacy nodes missing with "opunhide" July 27, 2024, 2:11 a.m.

Just realized my session had unexpectedly picked up a core license, facepalm. But many thanks for your quick reply Tomas, appreciate it!

Legacy nodes missing with "opunhide" July 26, 2024, 11:03 p.m.

After a long time not working DOPs, I just tried getting back legacy nodes like SOP dopnet or DOP bulletsolver. But opunhide doesn't seem to do the trick anymore. When listing available unhides, I only see a fraction of older DOP nodes

ophide Dop femsolvercore
ophide Dop gasadjustelasticity
ophide Dop gasadjustparticlecoordinates
ophide Dop gasburngeometry
ophide Dop gasburngeometryobject
ophide Dop gascomputeparticleattributes
ophide Dop gasdisturbfieldcl
ophide Dop gasdsd
ophide Dop gasdsdconfigureobject
ophide Dop gasdsdsolver
ophide Dop gaselasticity
ophide Dop gasmistsolver
ophide Dop gasparticleforces
ophide Dop gasparticleneighbourupdate
ophide Dop gasparticlepressure
ophide Dop gasresizefluid
ophide Dop gassphdensity
ophide Dop gassphforces
ophide Dop gasupresobject
ophide Dop particlefluidconfigureobject
ophide Dop particlefluidobject
ophide Dop particlefluidsolver
ophide Dop popnet
ophide Dop popshapematch
ophide Dop positioncomposite
ophide Dop rbdglueobject
ophide Dop renderparms
ophide Dop sandconfigureobject
ophide Dop sandobject
ophide Dop sandsolver
ophide Dop solidobject
ophide Dop solidsolver
ophide Dop sourceapply
ophide Dop sourcevolume
ophide Dop squishyobject
ophide Dop whitewateremitter

and no SOP dopnet, for example

ophide Sop deformmuscle
ophide Sop delete_overlapping_polygons
ophide Sop dopio
ophide Sop drawhair
ophide Sop duplicate

How would one get such nodes back, or how would unhiding all legacy DOP nodes work?


Geometry Spreadsheet - turn off exponential notation? April 19, 2023, 8:01 p.m.

In case anyone stumbles across this: the geometry spreadsheet attribute-options dropdown provides a 'full precision' option