Monika Hedman
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Houdini setParmTemplateGroup changing folder names Oct. 24, 2022, 2:33 p.m.
I'm dynamically generating parameters for my HDA based on a file input. I have gotten the parm template group and altered it as needed. The final step is to call setParmTemplateGroup() to commit the changes. When I print the group's templates (g.parmTemplates()), everything is fine. Then, I call node.setParmTemplateGroup(g). When I then print the node's templates, the folder parameters have been renamed (node.parmTemplateGroup().parmTemplates()). Here is the actual code (printList just makes it easier for me to read the output):
And here is the output:
I have no idea why the '4' on psfldr is being added. This is causing lots of issues down the line for me and I don't know how to make it stop
I also don't know why it's just doing it to the folders. For reference, these are folders in a tab group
print("--printing g") printList(g.parmTemplates()) print("--printing node") node.setParmTemplateGroup(g) printList(node.parmTemplateGroup().parmTemplates())
--printing g heading1 lod halfprot visprot vislip scalebilayer sepparm psfldr psfldr_1 psfldr_2 --printing node heading1 lod halfprot visprot vislip scalebilayer sepparm psfldr4 psfldr4_1 psfldr4_2