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Mantra: Couldn not open imager. May 17, 2011, 6:53 p.m.
Alright I fixed it. Doesn't seem to have anything to do with Mantra entries in the registry… actually I didn't see any. I just deleted everything pertaining to any previous build (turns out I had two in there - 504 and 658 I think). I didn't run any registry cleaner or reinstall Houdini or anything. I just deleted those old registry entries and now the ip works fine.
Mantra: Couldn not open imager. May 17, 2011, 6:08 p.m.
I'll try that… what I've been doing is just rendering straight to files using the “Output Picture” field under the Output tab instead of “ip” which is the default. The images render just fine but I don't get to watch or interact with it as it goes. This is a workaround and really a fix. Maybe after I check the registry I'll fix it as you did.
Mantra: Couldn not open imager. May 10, 2011, 1 a.m.
I have the same problem and I'm using the latest daily build 11.0.734
Why does this happen? Also for some reason Houdini tries to open two MPlay windows. Don't know why.
Why does this happen? Also for some reason Houdini tries to open two MPlay windows. Don't know why.