Oliver Markowski


About Me

Head of 3D at RISE | Visual Effects Studios
CG Supervisor



Houdini Skills


Not Specified

My Talks

obj-image HIVE
Does your modelling department suck?
obj-image HIVE
Two Tricks to make your Procedural Shading Workflow more Efficient

Recent Forum Posts

MaterialX Layer has limited functionality. April 14, 2022, 3:42 a.m.

Thanks a lot for the quick reply Rich!

I used Mtlx2HDA and managed to successfully create all the nodes needed to recreate the definitions present in 1.38.2 and onwards but due to karmas lack of functionality for absorption, it’s currently unsupported.

So you say that even though H19 only ships with MaterialX 1.38.1 you were able to just grab the definitions needed by Mtlx2HDA from 1.38.2 and they still work (besides the limitations you posted)?

The reason I am asking is bc we want to use the MaterialX LAMA nodes with prman and not karma, but ofc we have to turn them into HDAs before we can use them with hdPrman. Have you tried your definitions with renderman by any chance?

MaterialX Layer has limited functionality. April 14, 2022, 2:42 a.m.


I have recently been creating the Lama node definitions inside of Solaris using the MaterialX BSDFs and the Node definitions from MaterialX and I noticed that the mtlxlayer node doesn't have the functionality described by MaterialX

Hey Rich,

did you finally get LAMA to work with Solaris? I've been told it needs MaterialX 1.38.2 whereas the latest H19 builds are still only shipping with 1.38.1
