Onur Burak ÇAYDAŞ


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Agent squeeze issue Jan. 12, 2024, 8:50 a.m.

Hello, I've been dealing with this problem for a while. Why is that happening?

Kinefx geometry connection issue Jan. 11, 2024, 6:53 a.m.

It's quite hard to tell the problem without seeing the files.


(the point names are the same in Mixamo animation and 2 Leagues)

It's not enough that the point names are the same. All the transforms have to be roughly the same, or you need some kind of retargeting. Retargeting document is here [www.sidefx.com].

Hey Kodra, thank you so much your feedback.

Yesterday I did retargeting for my rig. It was working. But when i wanna populate the character with 'crowdsource' node it's happened again. I'm sending the file.

Kinefx geometry connection issue Jan. 9, 2024, 10:22 a.m.

Hello everyone, First of all I'm pretty new in Houdini. I did a rig and when I connect the animation to the Rig system (the point names are the same in Mixamo animation and 2 Leagues), the geometry is disrupted. Why is that happening?