Joakim Dahlqvist


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Materials for Google Earth Mesh? Solved for Redshift not Karma May 7, 2024, 12:29 p.m.

Was anyone able to figure it out using redshift? I cant transfer material overide to the RS Texture

Use Rs Material choose overide ?
Here is an video explaining the redshift material override process:

Materials for Google Earth Mesh? Solved for Redshift not Karma Aug. 27, 2023, 6:54 p.m.

I managed to solve it for redshift renderer by calling up the "basecolor_texture" attribute as a local string parameter on the Material node then referencing that inside on the RStexture node plugged into the base color...

I had to transfer the 'material_override' attribute back onto the geo after the material node as it overwites that attribute.

Also there is som issue with the UVs but they seem to get corrected if I merge it with a grid with UVs, I dont really understand whats going on. I tried promoting UVs from point to vertex but it didnt help.

I would love to get this working in Karma. I found this tutorial [] which may be a part of the answer but it does not solve the matching per prim...

If anyone has any better ideas or want more detail into my hacky solution lmk

Materials for Google Earth Mesh? Solved for Redshift not Karma Aug. 26, 2023, 2:09 p.m.

Here is a screenshot diving inside the EarthMesh HDA.

He is using a loop and a Labs Quick material to generate the attributes