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Resuming simulation April 11, 2014, 2:04 a.m.

If you wanna cache your simulation on the Disk (for example frame 1 to 100) ,and resume your simulation later from your last cached frame (for example frame 101 to 200),You can define your last cached frame (for example 100 ) in the “Initial State” parameters in the AutoDopNetwork !

Also you can change your *.bgeo file to *.sim files manualy !!!

I Suggest you to use “Explicit Cache Files” and don't forget to use $SF instead of $F to read or write your caches sequence files

Hi Joker386,

How do you write out the sim files? I was using the ROP but it doesn't work using $SF in the filename. No files are being written out.

Do you write out files using fileDOP/rop driver to write files to be used in Explicit Cache Files?

When putting files in Initial State and Explicit Cache Files, do I write a specific frame “file_025.sim” or “file_$SF3.sim”? Then how do I continue the sim? Do I make a switch node or write out the next files using file or rop?

I have tested this and it confuses me a lot. I'm getting mixed results. Sometimes the simulation blows up after reading the sim files. Sometimes it doesn't read any.

Thank you!

z-depth...??? April 6, 2014, 12:35 a.m.

Do you mean to put the Z-depth to alpha channel or render a float-grayscale image? If the latter, then go to your

mantraRop> Properties> Output>
Add an extra image plane
Select “P-z” in Vex Variable drop down menu list

File (disk) size troubleshoot March 19, 2014, 12:33 a.m.

Yes, 12.5.371. You got it right!

I just talked to the lab tech and they told me the policy. So thats it.

Thanks again