Samuel Côté


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Heightfield File file format Feb. 3, 2021, 5:17 a.m.

Hey guys,

I really like the geodata to heightfield conversion.

Using the heightfield file node I found out that some type of format won't work.

Example: I import a Iceland tif 32bits.. didnot work. Is there someone who can tell me what is the type of format that can fit or how can I manage to get the tif of Iceland working?

Terrain creation using UK data (.hdf5 or.h5) Dec. 22, 2020, 11:48 a.m.

Terrain creation using UK data (.hdf5 or.h5) Dec. 21, 2020, 7:52 a.m.


I'm a 3d environment artist working in the vfx industry for years now and I love building terrain from DEM data.

Every country as different format of heightmaps. Houdini files can only accept tif.

I have some data that require houdini to use .he or .hdf5 but how can we process them inside houdini?