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Houdini Apprentice to Indie Upgrade Jan. 26, 2017, 1:04 a.m.


please try this:

Run the license manager “as administrator” once. Make sure you have at least one Indie license available. If not, install the license following the documentation. If the license manager is unable to find your license, try reinstalling the server license (there's a button for that in license manager). Again, do this as “Administrator”.

If you have one Indie license available in the license manager, close the license manager and start Houdini Indie (make sure to have a matching release to your license, obviously) as “normal user”. Allow Houdini to connect to the internet.

If that does *not* work, please, if possible, do a screen recording.


Thank you so much for your help,
I follow step you guide also record gif image, still houdini apprentice version , did I miss any steps ?

Again thank you so much for your help Marc !

Houdini Apprentice to Indie Upgrade Jan. 25, 2017, 5:46 a.m.

Hello Houdini users,

I have problem with access to Houdini indie as i follow every step of this video : https://vimeo.com/132559478 [vimeo.com]
As I want to try out pipeline Houdini with UE4

But the result after i follow every step is when I try to open Houdini Indie version Its kept bringing me back to
houdini apprentice

Once I click the shortcuts icon it keep open houdini apprentice.

Please help me out I really want to learn this pipeline