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Smoke Collision Blockiness June 29, 2017, 9:57 p.m.

Hi Enivob,
My division sizes are down to about .02, I really dont want to push my box farther. Bounds are kept as close to the object as I can, small padding. I've tried a gas blur and that helps some, but kills a lot of detail. I've also tried a volume feather, that works decent also. The complicated factor is the style I'm going for requires VERY dense smoke,almost like a super thick fog, so every collision surface is a nightmare of detail.

Smoke Collision Blockiness May 26, 2017, 12:20 p.m.

Hi all,
Working on a smoke sim atm and I have a simple collision shape, all is fine and colliding correctly, however… no matter the detail in the collision geo, being vdb OR static object, you always see blocky edges to the sim. Is there any solution to get rid of that aside from ridiculous division numbers and risking machine lockup?

Thanks for any help / tips!

Houdini 15 Dirt mask Nov. 2, 2015, 6:49 p.m.

Hi all,
I finally have H15 running at the office and i'm playing around with the new shaders and such, esp the layermix. One thing I'm doing is basic, just using the dirt mask to blend between two shaders in the crevice's. I want to use the dirt mask as a displacement “amount”. I have things set up with the disp_bounds and doing everything the way i have always done to create displacement, BUT when I use the dirtmask output as the displace normal's amount, it just sits there when trying to render, it is REALLY heavy. Just wondering if anyone has seen this also?