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activate dop network by color Sept. 5, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

I spent a whole day trying to figure it out, maybe somone could help me out:

i tried to modify Johnny Farmfield´s Ash setup, in order to activate the ash through changing color
by basically a color ramp with noise, where white should activate the particles.
https://vimeo.com/268754373 [vimeo.com]

In the example he changed the mass from right to left with the expression

if(@P.x < ch("active")){
    @mass = 0;
    @mass = 1;

i added the ramp just before the dop network (on primitive level) and changed it to 
if(@Cd.r < 1){
    @mass = 0;
    @mass = 1;

so i tried to change the mass from 0 to 1, when the primitive has a value of 1 (white, or red in this case).
Also sometimes houdini crashes while doing the ramp, sometimes not

I´m sure it´s just a basic thing, but maybe someone could point me to the right direction.
thank you

fluid tank simulation, whitewater, caching/rendering Jan. 2, 2016, 10:24 a.m.

Hi, thank you for your comment, of course i was going through the manual, but i could not find the concept of caching different kind of fluids like foam, whitewater and the water itself.

Also the caching for the pyro scene did not help me, because it´s also different kind of particles.

in the end, what got me on the right track was this video, just for anybody who´s interested:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDHN4PEbWuc&list=PLYf4Vz9V1ESrf6HW85xUm-39onC8PZG-O&index=6 [youtube.com]

thanks anyway, for trying to help

fluid tank simulation, whitewater, caching/rendering Dec. 28, 2015, 5:52 p.m.

I´m just starting out with houdini, it might be a pretty basic question, but maybe someone can help me out:

i created a simulation with a fluid tank, some interaction with a alembic file import plus some whitewater foam, materials, lights and mantra setup etc.

the simulation took around 12 hours and i´m pretty quite happy with the result. the .sim files have been written to disk and i can render the last frame which looks fine, but now i face a problem.

when i change frames the simulation starts all over again, taking ages.

I would like to add a camera animation and now i´m asking myself how to handle the sim/rendering.
do i just need to disable updating and render, or do i need to create some additional caching nodes, bgeo/meshing/vdb caching to work with the sim additionally to the .sim files.

i´m a little bit afraid to just try things, because last time i just jumped to another frame and the sim started all over again.

Maybe someone can give me a hint about what to do…
i did several hours of research and reading the help file, but could not figure my head around it.
thank you!