École NAD - ïlot Balmoral
•• Multiple Houdini Courses | • Single Houdini Course | ☼ Houdini available for Project/Studio Use
UQAC has teamed up with the renowned NAD (School of Digital Arts, Animation and Design) to offer, in Montreal, a solid professional training which allows students to master the theoretical and practical foundations of 3D content creation. With various educational strategies implemented in this innovative Bachelor degree program, students can discover, stimulate, develop and demonstrate their real potential which they can apply to full-fledged 3D production.
The students will be able to acquire two levels of specialization. The first level corresponds to the student's choice of concentration, either in the field of Visual Effects for Film and Video, or in the field of Video Games. By the fourth semester, a second level of specialization also allows students to discover and develop their personal creative skills in a 3D production chain that is expected when working in the industry.
Houdini is the main topic of 4 courses in Bachelor degree program (VFX Specialization): Introduction, Rendering, Simulation and Simulation Advanced. We also have various specialized courses offered in our professional division focusing of particular topics in Houdini: Introduction, Destruction, Pyro, Vellum, Ocean and flip fluids and on-demand topics.
Houdini Connect
In this Houdini Connect video, we talk to Montreal-based L'École NAD which is celebrating their 26th year. NAD offers programs in Visual Effects and Game Development. Learn more from instructor and industry veteran Robin Tremblay.