Houdini Artist at Spin VFX

More from Kate Xagoraris


  • LukeP 4 years, 2 months ago  | 

    Nice tutorial, but wish you went into all the nodes, e.g. attribvop in the Stars

    • Kate Xagoraris 4 years, 2 months ago  | 

      Hi Luke! The only attribute nodes I used in the tutorial are the attribute noise, and attribute randomize in the setup. Therefore, I didn't see a need to dive into the other attribute SOPs. The attribute VOP in the stars node you are referring to, I have explained in the description of the YouTube video link, which you can read by right clicking on the video. However, it is really optional, as I have just gone through the setup again, and it almost has the same result as keeping it off. It does make some minor glowy differences, but overall you could get away without it. Hope this helps.

  • LukeP 4 years, 2 months ago  | 

    I've followed the tutorial, however the end result is nothing like you're getting :)

    • Kate Xagoraris 4 years, 2 months ago  | 

      Hi Luke! What is your error or differences you are encountering? I'm here to help make the process easier :)

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