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TOTAL DURATION: 1h 36m 25s
Explore the captivating fire scenes from 'Orion,' a short film by the talented director Ash Thorp and produced by the amazing Hydra Studios. Urban Bradesko will show you the workflows used to create this cinematic masterpiece.
Be sure to go to Theory Accelerated for access to a Free Non-commercial version of Axiom to use with this lesson.
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Today, we're going to explore the captivating fire scenes from 'Orion,' a short film by the talented director Ash Thorp and produced by the amazing Hydra Studios. I will show you the workflows they used to create this cinematic masterpiece.Throughout the upcoming tutorials, I'll be guiding you on how to combine the power of Solaris and Axiom to achieve production quality visual effects.
n this part we will emphasizes on the importance of properly saving USD layers to maintain a neat and tidy project. Urban will demonstrate how to use Configure Layer and Layer Brakes in Solaris to organize the layers effectively. Overall, the tutorial aims to help users understand implicit and explicit layers in USD for more efficient project management in Solaris.
In this video Urban demonstrates setting up a proper hierarchy in Solaris. He will show how characters are imported as USD references, with proper naming crucial for material application. The process of layer breaks, configuring layers, and saving USD files is explained. Urban will show you how to bring in characters and props and editing materials in the pipeline.
The final episode of the Orion Cinematic series covers fire setups and smoke. Urban demonstrates the "tall fire" and "midfire" Axiom setups, utilizing attribute noise for emitters. Embers created by Hydra Studio are mentioned, but not covered in this episode. The process involves caching the emitters and merging them in Solaris for the final scene composition. The presenter highlights the power of Solaris and its benefits for faster iteration and communication between departments.
Urban will demonstrate a sword fire setup on a character using Solaris. Urban will explain the process of caching the simulation and setting up the material with proper naming convention. Overall, the video offers insights into creating realistic fire effects with Axiom and Solaris.
In this episode Urban explores various methods to use fire simulations or explosions to illuminate surroundings or objects.
ommlet88 1 year, 7 months ago |
Urban, hi!Thanks for tutorial. Dropbox files are locked btw.
Enivob 1 year, 7 months ago |
Yep, same here. Dang!
alphalupi_motiondesign 1 year, 6 months ago |
FYI this workshop is also accessible on the “theory accelerated studios” website (the dropbox link works fine on this site)
there are also other workshops accessible after creating an account.
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