Learn how you can quickly and easily generate detailed shapes in Houdini and output normal map stamps which can then be used in Substance Painter, Substance Designer or 3D-Coat. Special thanks to AMD for their support.


  • BRSFTW86 5 years, 8 months ago  | 

    Very cool tutorial. However I'm making a mistake because when I went to render it did not show any normal colors. It was just gray like in scene view. Regardless thanks for the tutorial I learned a lot.


  • dank0 5 years, 8 months ago  | 

    Didi you apply shownormal (Show Normal) material from the utility tab? Left drag the material from the Material tab and drop it on your object.

  • PavelKirchner 4 years, 11 months ago  | 

    Čau Dane, ztratil jsem na tebe všechny kontakty, tak se omlouvám, že tě kontaktuji takto .. prosím napiš na paki@atlas.cz
    Pavel Kirchner ze Žďáru v ČR :-)

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