Transfer Maps
One of the primary functions of the Maps Baker is to do texture reprojection from one mesh to another. The built-in maps are Diffuse, Normal, Opacity, Roughness and Metallic. The tool currently only supports materials based on the principledshader::2.0, or the GameDev QuickMat.
Generate Maps
The tool is also able to generate new maps from pure data stored on the geometry. Maps such as Vertex Color, AO, WorldNormal, Height, Alpha and Position. But this can also very easily be extended by using the Custom Attributes multiparm, which can have as many custom channels as you would like. The advanced tab allows for tweaking settings such as AO.
Speed!!! & Customization
The maps baker is not your ordinary baking solution. The tool has been fully implemented in COPs through VEX, meaning it is extremely fast.. And also allows for very easy customization. If for example you would like to always multiply your vertex colors by AO, you would just need to wire two nodes together and you're done!