Houdini has supported distributed solvers since Houdini 10. This masterclass provides an overview of the current state of these solvers; including the new support for resizing smoke simulations and water tanks in Houdini 15. The first half demonstrates the setup of a variety of distributed effects using shelf tools and HQueue. The final bit dives into technicality and builds a new distributed setup via microsolvers and manually invokes the tracker.
ZiweiGong 7 years, 10 months ago |
scorpes 6 years, 10 months ago |
Hi Thanks for the tutorial!
Got some problems that I get particles at the slice borders. check link for picture: https://ibb.co/mdDBTx
scorpes 6 years, 10 months ago |
Problem is that the whitewater also emits on those borders. Also when I use the dopnet index slice approach (@51min), I get weird upstreams on the side borders of each slice except the first slice, any idea what that can be?
catalinaacevedopacheco 3 months, 3 weeks ago |
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