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Welcome to Houdini Is Hip! In this series, we are going to be looking at how to use Houdini to create incredible 3D graphics and effects. Not only will we be looking at full CG applications for it, but also at how we can use Houdini for adding VFX elements to live action plates.
An introduction to the VFX pipeline designed for artists new to computer graphics.
Learn how to install Houdini, navigate the software, and understand how it is structured.
In this part, we are looking at how to create objects and geometry as well as how to work between objects. We are also looking at how to work with attributes in Houdini.
In this part, we are looking at how to render inside of Houdini using its native renderer – Karma.
In this part, we are looking at how to render inside of Houdini using its native renderer – Karma, using Solaris for our scene assembly. We are also looking at how to work with live action footage.
Learn how to use particles to create a spark generator.
Learn about Vellum and the different features it supports such as grains, constraints and colliders.
Learn how to use Vellum for Cloth Simulations, Soft Bodies, Fluids and more.
Learn how to work with points and constraints, packed geometry and fracturing.
How to Cache and Render Simulations.
An introduction to how volumes work and how to set up the Pyro Solver to create smoke.
Take a closer look at the Pyro FX tools.
Learn how to bring PyroFX and Rigid Bodies together.
Get started with Fluids. Learn about different solvers and how to source fluids.
Learn how to set up an Ocean Spectra, set up wave instancing and render with Karma.



Visual Effects artist for over 6 years and Houdini tutorial content creator. Co-founder of Nine Between, a South African Visual Effects Studio. Currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa.

More from Moeen Sayed


  • OneBigTree 2 years, 1 month ago  | 

    I love this. Even though it is so fundamental, I still like watching good basics tutorials. The reason is this: There are still so many people involved in many productions who have no clue about VFX work even though they keep using the term.
    If I had anything to say in this world I would make courses like this mandatory for all directors, DPs and producers directly involved in the process. That would make the work for the actual artists so much easier.....

    • 1980 2 years, 1 month ago  | 

      wow very impressive you really really know how to explain this, after watching a lot of videos it was the same, impossible to use houdini , but with only 12 minutes of your videos i begin to understand it please make more tutorials you are an excellent teacher.

      • PolyMarvels 2 years ago  | 

        Great stuff Moeen, thanks for a nice insight!

        • patricktannich 2 years ago  | 

          great explanation Moeen, you make the terminology and workflows behind very understandable and accessible, love it!

          • AlfredoSMC 1 year, 11 months ago  | 

            Hi Moeen,
            Is possible to render some shop-shaders in Karma ?
            Nobody uses those shaders and they are not bad simulating in viewport (Flipbook),
            I just want to know if Karma XPU reads them ?.

            • riisi 1 year, 10 months ago  | 

              Very clear and simple! Thanks a lot. You have a talent for explanation. I will be happy with the next lesson.

              • harshpatel4514 1 year, 9 months ago  | 

                So crisp, Thankyou

                • Renzell 1 year, 8 months ago  | 

                  Finally getting around to this one.

                  Interesting to see the Differences between house fast I get things done Today rather than the last Houdini Basics Playlist.

                  • LukeP 1 year, 6 months ago  | 

                    I honestly think SideFX should hire you to do write a solid Houdini Foundations book. The way you explain things is exactly what's missing in SideFX' documentation.

                    • Scara 1 year, 4 months ago  | 

                      You have explained this really well, thank you!

                      • alialdouseri 1 year, 3 months ago  | 


                        • motik 1 year, 3 months ago  | 

                          Thanks!! Some of the best tuts out there!

                          • arklost91 1 year, 1 month ago  | 

                            I still loose volume, Any ideas why ?

                            • brahimnz 1 year ago  | 

                              an amazing course. thanks.

                              • edmond_si 12 months ago  | 

                                May you add KinFX and Apex tutorials to this course

                                • Monergist 9 months, 1 week ago  | 

                                  I'm working through Part 6 of "Houdini Is Hip" and I've somehow gotten stuck. He asked us to create a Material Library in the stage and connect it to a SOP Import. Then, we're supposed to create a Principled Shader in the Material Library, but I don't have the option to do that. I can create a Material Network, and then within that created a Principled Shader, but not within a Material Library.

                                  Here's the video. I'd appreciate any help I can get. I'm super excited to see these sparks fly!

                                  • WinterLightDP 8 months, 4 weeks ago  | 

                                    Monergist -- make a Material Library and then create a Karma Material Builder. You'll find the Principled Shader inside that node. Be sure to keep the orange tag turned on, as that's the material flag, which is what the auto-fill looks for.

                                    I've learned a lot from this series, and also the Nodebooks... hopefully you'll be covering the MPM solver and Copernicus soon also :)

                                    • umbertoeco 4 months, 3 weeks ago  | 

                                      Fantastic tutorials! Wow!

                                      • windzerg 4 months, 1 week ago  | 

                                        this is too good

                                        • Pixel_Pioneer 2 months ago  | 

                                          Maybe you could consider adding a clear warning to the 'Houdini isn't scary' series on Youtube? I already studied a couple of episodes from it before I understood that the HIP series is its replacement. Apart from that: loving your tutorials! Thank you SO MUCH!

                                          Please log in to leave a comment.