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Houdini to Substance Painter Workflow for Heightfield Terrains!
Here I demonstrate how to export a simple heightfield from Houdini and
import it into Substance Painter. We generate mask images using all the
fancy Heightfield information we get from the erosion node like the
Cliffs, water, debri, and so on. Then we use these mask images and plug
them into the Substance Painter to setup materials for shading.
jki16618 3 years, 1 month ago |
It is helpful to explain using terrain segments by Labs Terrain Mesh Rob instead of using ConvertHeightfield node. Applying the Labs terrain Mesh Rob and Reorder_Udim_Tiles for painters big help to adding details in Substance Painter. I have access downloading the Reorder_Unidm_Tiles for painters from the BubblePINs membership, but I am having hard time to download the Labs terrain Mesh Rob. Is there way to access this node only? It seems quite useful to create geometry with colored in uv's , so it allowed to easily create separate UNIMs. Thank you.
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