This tutorial is all about how I simulate cloth in Houdini and import it into Unreal to avoid Temporal Sampling problems. It's meant for Unreal artists who are unfamiliar with Houdini, or Houdini artists who are unfamiliar with Unreal.
I switched the model halfway through the tutorial. It's actually the same mesh, just a different texture/skin. Sorry for any confusion!
If you find this tutorial helpful, you might be interested in my website, I have a long write-up about my experience in the Unreal Fellowship in the summer of 2021:
I post a lot of my tests and experiments on my Artstation page:
This video from Epic games explains the advantages of Temporal Sampling using the Movie Render Queue:
Flakelace 2 years, 4 months ago |
Great video, thank you so much for that.
Do you think there would be a problem in having the skinning converter already setup in the base pose (static mesh position).
I wonder if that could help with having multiple shots so you could rebake different anims for our cloth sims and just have new anims in unreal instead tons on new base poses with new anims if that makes sense?
theshizon 2 years ago |
Nice video. I'm going through a "what do I use for cloth" pipeline. I tired Marvelous Designer to Character Creator cloth physics and also Unreal Chaos cloth physics. They were kind of janky but I think Marvelous Designer to Houdini Vellum is the way to go. It's so stable
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