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Learn how to create organic textures using the new Copernicus context. Learn how to generate a rock texture which includes faceting with Worley noises, detailing with fractals, layering of details, ambient occlusion driven color ramps, and previewing texture maps as a material on geometry. You will then explore the various ways in which it can be rendered as a material on geometry created in your COP network, or on your own custom geometry.

Next, learn how to create a basic dirt texture using various COP nodes which will be referenced by using the Quick Surface Material node at the Stage level - presenting an alternative, more efficient method of texturing with COPs. Learn how to create tilable, seamless scatters of points to be rasterized into usable textures. You will be creating scattered stones to add to the dirt texture, exploring various instancing concepts.

Learn how to effortlessly integrate SOPs and COPs so that values can be passed between the two contexts. Additionally, learn more about tiling at the SOP level and more nuanced ways of adjusting instancing attributes. Learn how to use SDF shapes to create stamps which can be copied to the points generated in the previous video. Additionally, the Point Stamp node is explored in depth.

Learn how to create the various distinctive features of a rock texture, including faceting with Worley noises, detailing with fractals, layering of details, ambient occlusion driven color ramps.
Learn how to create a basic dirt texture using various COP nodes which will be referenced by using the Quick Surface Material node at the Stage level. Learn how to create tilable, seamless scatters of points to be rasterized into usable textures.
Learn how to effortlessly integrate SOPs and COPs so that values can be passed between the two contexts. Additionally, you will learn more about tiling at the SOP level and more nuanced ways of adjusting our instancing attributes.



Visual Effects artist for over 6 years and Houdini tutorial content creator. Co-founder of Nine Between, a South African Visual Effects Studio. Currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa.

More from Moeen Sayed


  • LukeP 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

    Absolutely love your tutorials. Hope you can create one for every new feature in H20.5 including the animation / APEX stuff!

    • Moeen 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

      Thank you, Luke. I'll do my best to cover as many of the new features as possible!

    • LukeP 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

      Awesome, my only ask is to speak and do things a bit slower :-)

      • Moeen 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

        Got it, that's a fair ask. I think I get ahead of myself when I'm recording, lol

        • pclaes 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

          Great tutorials!
          As a more senior Houdini user myself, I like your pace as is. I actually watched this on youtube at 1.5x speed.
          So I would suggest Luke watches it at 0.75x speed.

      • LukeP 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

        Would be also cool if you could share files for your tutorials :-)

        • Moeen 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

          Cool, I'll arrange to have them uploaded.

        • berktrkglu 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

          Great tutorials!
          I have a question for you? What would you recommend for the beginners? How should I prepare myself to study and where to start?

          Thank you!!

          • Moeen 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

            Hi! Do you mean specifically to COPS or to Houdini in general?

            If you mean Houdini in general, I would recommend learning the basics of SOPs (working with geometry - points, primitives, vertices, etc.). Once you have a good grasp of that, you can look into things that interest you. That might be dynamics (DOPS), rendering, animation etc. If you'd like a series to follow that teaches you the basics, I would recommend "Houdini Is HIP" or "Houdini Isn't Scary". They're both my series', so I'm being biased here, but I made them specifically for beginners in Houdini.

            If you're interested in COPS specifically, then there will be a lot more tutorials on the topic soon if you give it a few days.

            I hope that helps! : )

          • LukeP 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

            Is there a way to use cops output to drive attributes, e.g. velocity or color of particles?

            • LukeP 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

              Ah never mind, I think the third lesson in this tutorial addresses my question

            • DashClyde 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

              Do you know if my 1080Ti (with current drivers) could be too old for Copernicus? The viewport preview of my texture is just a black square plane. The Constant node shows a white plane as you'd expect, and can be coloured in the RGB mode. However, the noise nodes are displaying entirely black in the viewport, regardless of Signature setting or anything else. Any idea what the issue could be?

              • DashClyde 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

                For the benefit of anyone unable to follow the tutorial due to this issue, it seems to be GPU related, according to users from various Houdini communities. Until there's a fix, a temporary workaround is to set your OpenCL device to CPU (via Preferences -> Miscellaneous). While this workaround allows me to at least proceed with the tutorial, crashes are frequent, so save often.

              • knockflakes 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

                Thänx! Such a great tutorial again.Love it!

                • Techie 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

                  Awesome tutorials, thanks!

                  • fxbook 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 


                    • cynwulf 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

                      Thank you - amazing stuff and love your tutorials.

                      • BabaJ 8 months, 1 week ago  | 

                        Something is off in video 3 (Generate Grass with Point Stamping).
                        Before you laydown a stamppoint node you laydown a scatteralign node in the SOP Import node labelled 'POINTS'.
                        That node generates an orient attribute that has a z comonent value of 0.
                        With the orient attribute set with such a value - the output of the stamppoint node is 'nothing'.
                        I added a point wrangler after the scatterallign with a spare float parameter to adjust the z component of orient.
                        When the z value is raised starting from zero, the Shape (which is set to square), starts producing gradually more copy to points results with rectangular boxes,
                        until when reaching a z value of 1.5 becomes square and all points stamped.

                        • BabaJ 8 months, 1 week ago  | 

                          Ok...nevermind...I applied a transform of x rotated 90 degrees to align the grid to the copnet plane the attribute transfer node was going to use.
                          By doing the transform after the scatteralign, the xform node applies a transform value to the z component of the orient attribute thereby giving some value other than 0 - which allows it to show up in the following steps.

                          So it seems that the attribute from map doesn't 'care' what the orientation of the plane is in world space, but only considers the 'uv' orientation of the plane itself.

                        • teotigraphixllc 8 months ago  | 

                          Thanks for making these starter videos, just enough info to really get rolling on some nice techniques.

                          • cpr3danim 8 months ago  | 

                            These video Tutorials are so appreciated! Really enjoy your way of teaching and explaining.

                            • smajdumirka 2 days, 11 hours ago  | 

                              Can you make tutorial for animated materials like this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa8fzezqQ5k

                              Please log in to leave a comment.