This lesson takes a simple practical example to cover a few more VEX functions. Primarily the video covers how to create a look at using VEX and control objects using distance or height.



Rohan has always been interested in film and animation which led him to life as a 3D artist. He was also passionate about teaching so he started his own “Institute for Advanced Animation.” He primarily concentrated on teaching software skills while working on design visualization, motion graphics, industrial animations and also some medical renderings. He then stumbled upon Houdini and the rest is history as his many Houdini tutorials have helped artists from around the world get into the world of proceduralism.

More from Rohan Dalvi


  • smk1942 7 years, 8 months ago  | 

    good tutorial

  • chemi 7 years, 2 months ago  | 

    Hey Rohan, nice tutorial. I'm pretty excited about making art with vex and this is a great intro for me. I look forward to more like this.

  • maxeneg 7 years, 2 months ago  | 

    thanks for the tutorial. I'm hitting a problem at about 20:00 where my points are not matching up with yours. For example, the 6 is on the bottom instead of the top. Any idea what I've done wrong? Thanks!

  • Utao_81 7 years, 1 month ago  | 

    Rohan, thanks again.

    U rock

  • richardjpurcell 6 years, 9 months ago  | 

    This is a great introduction to so many things, not just VEX. Thank-you!

  • Delphine Pinson 6 years, 3 months ago  | 

    Hello, thank you very much for those great tutorials Rohan Dalvi ! Very useful and very enriching !

  • rthriller 5 years, 11 months ago  | 


    At about 11:00, I don't understand the need to modulo. Whatever x is, x % 1 gives always 0. So all you need is feed a float constant with a value zero to ptnum of importpoint1.

    Anyways, geat work, very helpful.

    • rthriller 5 years, 11 months ago  | 

      I mean an integer constant :)

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