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Learn about lighting nodes that you can use in the Solaris context. Explore each node and how it contributes to a larger shot. This lesson is part of a larger series by Moeen Sayed covering nodes in Houdini
Use this node to create or edit USD Light prims. This node also adds useful Karma-specific attributes.
Use this node to create USD light link properties based on rules. This node lets you create relationships between lights and individual prims using a custom user interface.
Use this node to author USD light filter primitives from VOP nodes. You can create VOP nodes inside this LOP, and then refer to them in the LOP’s parameters to author light filters on the USD stage at the specified path location.
Use this node to author USD light filter primitives from VOP nodes. You can create VOP nodes inside this LOP, and then refer to them in the LOP’s parameters to author light filters on the USD stage at the specified path location.
Here you will use the Render Geometry Settings node to set up a geometry light. This is where geometry emits light into your shot.
NicTanghe 9 months, 1 week ago |
(thx for the clarity)
What about LPE tags on the geometry light ?
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