Heightfields are a nice addition to Houdini 16 for environment work. They more or less replicate the functionality of programs like Worldmachine. In today’s tutorial Manuel shows you how to create a terrain from scratch in Houdini and how to render it directly in Redshift3D, without baking out textures manually.
By making use of the procedural image editing context in Houdini, the COP2 network, you’ll learn how to derive images from your heightfield volumes and use these inside of a Redshift Material using the op-syntax, known from Mantra. If you’re interested in learning the basics of this nice new area of Houdini, then this tutorial is for you.
Molten_Crazy 6 years, 7 months ago |
I'm having a problem getting the op: texture reference to work with 16.5 and the current Redshift. Did something change to alter the op: functionality between 16.0 and 16.5?
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