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In this serie, you will learn how to:
- Setup PDG network
- Setup HDAs
- Make custom PDG partitioner to merge particular data together
- Process multiple geometries in one work item
Introduction to serie
Creating TOP network and first HDA
Creating HDA for terrain splitting and including merge mask needed later.
Creating HDA for mountains around playable area
Creating custom terrain partitioner
robwj 11 months, 2 weeks ago |
Thank you for the Videos.
Any chance to get the final project file?
I try to follow your videos and have some problems.
On Part 4 i can't see the ColPos and RowPos attributes on my PDG GeometryImport Nodes.
I think i missed some declaration of the attributes or misread the VEX code, the video resolution is a little bit blurry.
so it would be helpful, if i can compare my mess with your final project file.
Also looks like Video 5 is missing here, I can see it on your YouTube channel.
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