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A great way to learn Houdini is to become familiar with the nodes used by artists on a day-to-day basis. Explore several Modeling nodes including all the key parameters on that node and how that node can work with other nodes.

These lessons come from the Mardini 2024 Daily Art Challenge where each day artists used a chosen node to create images and animations. Moeen created these videos to help each artist get a good start to each day and the resulting videos can also be useful to the wider community.

Create spiral and helix curves that can be used to build more complex shapes.
This node can be used to retopologize high resolution geometry or as a Poly Draw tool to create from scratch.
Learn how to scatter and align points for use with instanced objects.



Visual Effects artist for over 6 years and Houdini tutorial content creator. Co-founder of Nine Between, a South African Visual Effects Studio. Currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa.

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  • edupozo 6 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

    Thank you

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