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Learn about the MPM Solver, which is an extension of FLIP Fluids to solids. MPM can do what the FEM solver does but using the same data structures as FLIP such as particles and volume fields. Explore the different types of situations in which the MPM Solver can be used, using both static and animated colliders. Learn how to mix different material types within the same simulation.

Learn what is being covered in this lesson then explore topics such as how MPM is an extension of Flip that efficiently solves large chunks of different materials.
Learn how the different inputs are needed for the MPM Solver to work. You will create an MPM simulation using the default Configure settings and learn about Emission Type, Material Preset, Resolution, Collision Types, Time Scale, Substeps and Ground Plane.
Create custom MPM Setup mixing different material sources.
Learn how to mesh the particles using VDBs and then add UVs to the mesh.
Create a quick render of the scene by importing the assets into Solaris where you will add lights, cameras, and materials.


  • AlfredoSMC 4 months, 1 week ago  | 

    I'm not sure, but I think there is a mistake in tutorial 5.

    • erynjohn 4 months, 1 week ago  | 

      It feels like tutorial 5 is just the same thing as tutorial 1.

      • rmagee 4 months, 1 week ago  | 


        • Paolo Ricaldone 4 months, 1 week ago  | 


          • erynjohn 4 months, 1 week ago  | 

            Great tutorial! Thanks

            • Goodluck Focus 4 months, 1 week ago  | 

              Hello, for some weird reason my houdini crashes unexpected, I tried to lower the resolution but again on the meshing section it keeps on crashing, does anyone know this is caused by what? what am i missing?
              My system is RAM 64GB, RTX 4080, i9-13900

              • gridmood 1 month, 1 week ago  | 

                Nice and detailed tutorial. Thank you.

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