Pivot Painter is a sop that stores model pivot and rotation information in the model's vertex data and additional UV channels for PP1, and in textures for PP2. That information can then be used inside of Unreal's shader system to create interactive effects.
This tool is specifically built to work with the material functions provided by Epic Games in Unreal Engine. It is however possible to use this encoded information in other engines such as Unity, since it uses common attributes and textures.
yao.liu 4 years ago |
Spend hours to make PivotPainter 1.0 works for Unity now without any changes to unreal_pivotpainter tool.
Really ugly code. You can clone the repo and open the testscene to view the effect.
PivotPainter 2.0 for Unity will coming soon!!
esviliance 4 years ago |
dead link
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