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Learn how to create a shrub tool that can be used directly in Unreal. Learn how to procedurally generate the branches and leaves, then how to set up the tool to conform to an input shape. The tool itself will be set up with some built-in shapes to quickly generate default shrubs. The node network will then be wrapped up into a digital asset that works in Unreal Engine where artists can generate many different types of shrub.

Project Titan is an in-house tech demo designed to production test Houdini's procedural workflows while creating a 3D environment that leverages the latest technologies in Unreal. Click Here to learn more.

A quick overview of all the different parts of the Shrub tool lesson. Take a look at where you are headed with this lesson.
Learn how to create the branches. Starting from a basic shape you will scatter points to create targets for the branches to grow in and around. Learn how to use the find shortest path node to define the branches. To finish off, there will be some clean up and sweeping of the shapes.
Learn how to add leaves to the branches. Now that you have the branches, learn how to use this geometry to copy leaves on. The leaves will only be placed at the top parts of branches. You will also learn how to set variations in leaves.
Learn how to make a digital asset for the system. With all the logic of the tool in place, it is now time to collapse it into one node/tool. When making digital assets you will also learn to create custom parameters, so you can create a good and structured interface for artists.
Learn how to open the Shrub tool in Unreal. The shrub tool is almost completed and now it is time to test it in the Unreal editor and make tweaks to the system. You will see how to automatically assign material on the leaves and branches, as well as using vertex colors. In Houdini you can save information to the vertex color and in Unreal Engine you can use it to control wind intensity.



Simon is a tech Artist that loves building procedural tools and assets. By adding more and more procedural approaches to his workflow, he is able to build 3D models with speed and flexibility. During his studies at Digital Arts and Entertainment, he taught himself how to work with Houdini. After his studies, he started working on Ary and the Secret of Seasons at eXiin. Currently he is a Houdini freelancer and focuses on creating procedural content.

More from Simon Verstraete


  • Mladen_Pajdic 2 years, 11 months ago  | 

    Great tutorial but I am not able to download the project files. The page shows an error.

    • KieranLatham 2 years, 11 months ago  | 

      Same issue here, 403 forbidden error

      • joeyongio 2 years, 11 months ago  | 

        Same here , 403 Error. Really excited to try this one out!

      • ancientkult1337 2 years, 11 months ago  | 

        I just want to say that I appreciate these Titan series tuts a lot.
        Thanks Simon, please don't stop.
        I like your style. it's short and on point.

        • rmagee 2 years, 11 months ago  | 

          The files are there now

          • KieranLatham 2 years, 11 months ago  | 

            For some reason, inside Unreal Engine, when I apply a wind to the leaves via vertex colour, theres a black shadow that moves across the leaves, any ideas what is causing this as teh leaves move like they're windy, but the shadow just breaks it?

            • MarkBergo 2 years, 10 months ago  | 

              I could use some clarity on the Stash node. I worked around it, but it would be helpful to better understand how to link the geo to it.

              • Daksina_moorthi 8 months, 2 weeks ago  | 

                HI, I can use Point Vop and create a Noise instead of creating using Attribute noise node right? for density

                • maya4fun 4 months ago  | 

                  Really thank you Simon for this explanation, it help me a lot for the production.

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