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Learn how to create Train crash using simulation in Houdini that is then sent to Unreal using vertex animation textures. Learn how to prepare a train mesh for fracturing and simulation. Once the simulation is ready, you will use vertex animation textures to save out the sim as a mesh and textures which can be set up as Unreal shaders to playback the deformations.
Project Titan is an in-house tech demo designed to production test Houdini's procedural workflows while creating a 3D environment that leverages the latest technologies in Unreal. Click Here to learn more.
A quick overview of all the different parts of the train simulation lesson. Take a look at where you are headed with this lesson.
Learn how to set up rigid bodies for metal deformation. In this first part, the train model needs tweaking before it goes through this process. This involves giving thickness to the planes and shapes. Next learn how to fracture the model and break it into pieces which will be used later in the simulation.
Learn how to add the constraints needed for the simulation. Constraints are used to define how the fractured pieces are connected to each other. Here you can define a metal material.
Learn how to animate the train to set up the simulation. Make a copy of the train so you can have 2 trains colliding with each other. The trains need to have movement where you can decide the speed and impact. For the actual simulation, the bullet solver will be used which will take care of the result.
Learn how to create a metal deformation effect. With this method you will use the original mesh and deform it based on the results from the simulation. This will result in metal bending and dents on the mesh.
Learn how to create the shattering glass on impact. The train does have windows and here you want to prepare a different type of fracturing and constraints. This ensures that the simulation will behave like glass and break apart.
Learn how to export the simulation as vertex animations textures. In this case, there will be two types of vertex animations with the metal frame and the glass of the train. Other than that you will need to tweak a few things for the vertex animations to work.
Learn how to import and set up the vertex animations in Unreal Engine 5. The video will briefly show you how to get the shader for VAT. If you are not familiar with this process of using VAT, then you will see that meshes and textures need to be imported in a specific way to work correctly. As a final touch, an animation sequence is created to make and control the simulation in Unreal Engine 5.
Ommlet 2 years, 10 months ago |
Hi Steven, it seems that archive is corrupted
rafikhus 2 years, 10 months ago |
It is giving error here too .
Luiz_Cruz 2 years, 10 months ago |
I was able to unzip it using 7-Zip
Kvale 2 years, 10 months ago |
Awesome, thank you Steven!
imag4media 2 years, 10 months ago |
very cool
MostlyBees 2 years, 10 months ago |
Im a little confused by the last video. Are we supposed to have access to Steven's Unreal level? Because I cannot find it in the project files.
Or do we need to install some sort of plug-in to get access to the "Scripted Asset Actions" and the Special material node
StevenKnipping 2 years, 10 months ago |
Yes, I think the Unreal map is supposed to be included. Also you will need to install the Houdini Engine plugin to see the Scripted Asset Actions as well as Soft Body Deformation material function.
razzz.mus 2 years, 10 months ago |
How do you get the MF_VAT_SoftBodyDeformation node? I have installed Houdini Engine H19.0.622 for UE5.0 and i only have the MF_VAT_Soft node that doesnt have the same settings as you use.
StevenKnipping 2 years, 10 months ago |
Hey, there seems to be something wrong with the archive, I'll see if I can get SideFX to update it. Sorry about that!
Shoulder 2 years, 6 months ago |
Still corrupt - any updates?
lcywoshizhu 2 years, 5 months ago |
Still corrupt
jistpo 1 year, 8 months ago |
I used 7 Zip and it extracted ok - the standard windows unzip - whatever that is returns a corrupt file error msg
Ahmed Elnady 2 years, 9 months ago |
Great teacher thank you :)
shenao11 2 years, 7 months ago |
Seriously great tutorial! Thank you
For anyone else confused about how to get the scripted action and MF to show up properly, you need to copy the plugin contents to your Project folder:
1. Make sure there is a Plugins folder next to the Content folder in your Unreal project directory. If the Plugins folder does not already exist, create one. (Your project directory is where the <YourProjectName>.uproject file is located.)
2. Copy the SideFX_Labs folder (...\Program Files\Side Effects Software\sidefx_packages\SideFXLabs19.0\unreal\VERISON#) and paste it inside the Plugins folder mentioned in the previous step. (The SideFX_Labs folder is where the SideFX_Labs.uplugin file is located.)
3. Your plugin is now ready. Launch your Unreal project and you should immediately have access to the Material Functions, Scripted Actions, etc. provided by the plugin. (With the project open, you can verify the plugin is successfully enabled by searching for "SideFX Labs" in Edit > Plugins.)
strelok-ufa 1 year, 11 months ago |
hi Stephen! In lesson 3, "Bullet Solver" does not collide trains? They just fall, what's the mistake?
coclea 1 year ago |
Archive corrupted. Thanks
IoannisUTH 7 months, 3 weeks ago |
Archive corrupted, still no Fix??
IoannisUTH 7 months, 3 weeks ago |
Using 7zip seems to work but no with the default Windows app!!
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