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This lesson is for Houdni 18.5. Click here for a Houdini 19.5 lesson.
This file and accompanying lessons show how we can use Houdini’s KineFX character tools and a TOP network to retarget the Carnegie Mellon University Graphics Lab Motion Capture Database to a rig of our choosing. It also features a workflow for procedurally removing noise form the mocap data and a brief description on how to turn your KineFX rig into an agent for crowd simulations.
A quick overview of the different parts of the file and how you are going to work with it.
Explore a manual approach to retargeting the database using a downloaded clip and a geometry network using the KineFX toolset.
Automate the download and retargeting workflow to acquire the complete database, retarget it to a character then render out sequences to preview the motion.
Once the motion has been retargeted, there may be some motion clips that require smoothing. This lesson takes you through a network designed to smooth out the motion clips.
Explore the agent setup network that you can use to bring the retargeted data into your crowd simulations.
mth1647 4 years ago |
Thanks Luca!
Good stuff! Really appreciate it!
DGinz001 3 years, 4 months ago |
Hello Luca,
Is this tutorial compatible with Houdini 19?
I'm getting multiple errors trying to open the hip file.
Skipping unrecognized parameter "sepparm5".
Skipping unrecognized parameter "sepparm6".
Skipping unrecognized parameter "sepparm5".
Skipping unrecognized parameter "sepparm6".
Skipping unrecognized parameter "sepparm5".
Skipping unrecognized parameter "sepparm6".
Unknown channel(s) "has_input_1" converted to spare parameter(s).
Unknown channel(s) "has_input_1" converted to spare parameter(s).
Skipping unrecognized parameter "toptabs4".
Skipping unrecognized parameter "toptabs4".
lucap1 3 years, 4 months ago |
I made the tutorial in h18.5, haven't kicked the tires on h19 yet. Those error messages aren't totally unexpected, you'll get those if the nodes that you're using change parameters between different versions. Did you try running it, does it not work? If it's not working let me know where it fails.
DGinz001 3 years, 4 months ago |
Hello Luca,
Thanks for the response! Trying to make this work in 19. Any chance you can let me know where I can find all the asf and amc files on the CMU database. I think I need to cash it again.
I think the files are:
DGinz001 3 years, 4 months ago |
*cache :)
lucap1 3 years, 4 months ago |
Hi Daniel, those files should get downloaded an unzipped by the first two nodes in the TOP graph. If you have a more questions, open up a thread on the forum and post the link here. I can answer your questions there. It's a bit better for addressing these types of issues.
DGinz001 3 years, 4 months ago |
Thanks Luca! posted in the forum :)
GreggoryAddison 3 years ago |
Hello, Im struggling with getting the pdg to export my modified animations to the directory I set. I keep getting an Error: Missing clipinfo detail attribute. Even though inside my geo node thats handling the skeleton has a "configureclipinfo" node right before the fbx animation output node that my ROP fetch inside the tops graph is referencing. Im pretty new at this so I think I'm doing something wrong. Im basically wanting to replicate what luiz does here @34:04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcDm_irEKb0&t=3095s
sdugaro 2 years, 11 months ago |
Luca, has anyone told you lately that you're brilliant!
I finally have a reason to use this exact thing. Enjoyed every second of it.
Awesome project concept and showcased presentation.
lucap1 2 years, 11 months ago |
Thanks Steve,
I'm glad it's was useful!
All the best
lucap1 1 year, 12 months ago |
I've updated this tutorial for h19.5 you can find it here: https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/retarget-the-cmu-motion-capture-database-19_5/
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