Say hi to our very good friend Ben Watts of BW Design. We’re thrilled to have him on Entagma for a guest tutorial showing his newest technique for vein growth in Houdini without any VEX.

Vein growth has been pretty popular recently. Most setups rely on rather intricate techniques such as Space Colonization. However Ben managed to come up with a neat compact setup that relys purely on Houdini’s built in tools to achieve effects of similar complexity without the need for any coding.

Make sure to check out Ben’s Vimeo channel and portfolio for additional Houdini goodness.


  • exeo 5 years, 9 months ago  | 

    thank you! you explained it well and was really informative :D

  • Isaac Riches 5 years, 5 months ago  | 

    Thanks a bunch for this one, finally an exiting tutorial I can follow as a beginner

  • cchondzik007 2 years, 9 months ago  | 

    That is pretty smart solution. Unfortunately some of nodes used in this project are no longer available in Houdini 19 which makes it useless for beginners.
    Would be nice to create new version using actual selection of nodes.

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