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Learn about SideFX Labs nodes that you can use in the geometry context. Explore each node and how it contributes to a larger shot. This lesson is part of a larger series by Moeen Sayed covering nodes in Houdini.
SideFX Labs is a testing ground for a wealth of tools designed to help you get up and running quicker. The SideFX Labs tools wrap up and release common workflows and create tight integrations with software you use everyday.
LEARN MOREThe tool can generate lightning geometry around a given input. By controlling the start and end point, you can guide the effect. This tool is useful for lightning effects in game engines.
This node generates snow buildup by extruding specified faces upwards. The selection of these faces are determined by facing-direction, thickness and curvature attributes of the input mesh. Noise is added to the geometry, deforming the snow surface differently than the edges.
A series of nodes that can be used to build trees. These nodes let you set up the hierarchy, generate trunk and leaves and control the placement of branches.
This node defines building patterns using Floor Descriptions generated by Labs Building Generator Utility nodes. These patterns can be repeated or occur at set intervals along each floor, defining the building style from the ground up.
This node downloads DEM (digital elevation model) data, satellite images, or other styles of color maps from Mapbox. It can output both terrain heightfields and terrain meshes.
This node takes points as input and generates connections between them based on the angles that are formed and the distances between them.
This node generates a seamlessly looping volume animation from one or two input volume sequneces. It works on both Houdini native volumes and VDBs.
LukeP 9 months ago |
More of those please!!! Love the idea of Nodebooks
BabaJ 8 months, 3 weeks ago |
Very easy to use and works well.
However, unfortunately it can only do maps at a certain zoom in level.
Not sure if this is a limitation of the map box node or the data from the map box website.
Also, because this works so well - Would be nice to be able to access NASA planetary planet/moon 'map' data.
I forget how I did it since it's been a few years, but I was able to project a NASA satelite data mapping of Mercury onto a sphere,
adjusting the 'point' data through a uniform scaling of arbitrary amounts. I think I did the same for Earths moon as well.
I don't remember how I did it and would have to check some of my old hip files but I don't remember it being too difficult.
That being said, being able to do planets/moons in much the same easy way as Map Box would be a nice feature.
Otherwise, great job on this one though - much appreciated.
LukeP 7 months, 3 weeks ago |
@Moeen - any idea how to make this work with the apprentice version? Followed the steps exactly but I get:
Error: The specified resolution exceeds the maximum of 1280x720 allowed in the Non-Commercial Edition.
Trying to figure out where that might be coming from.. looks like there's a resolution set on ROP somewhere... All I have is mapbox1 node, there's no rendering defined.
fr_3D 5 months, 1 week ago |
Great tutorial series! What happened actually to Labs Mapbox?
jack105608372 2 months, 4 weeks ago |
Mapbox can not visit !
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