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A great way to learn Houdini is to become familiar with the nodes used by artists on a day-to-day basis. Explore several SideFX Labs nodes including all the key parameters on that node and how that node can work with other nodes.
These lessons come from the Mardini 2024 Daily Art Challenge where each day artists used a chosen node to create images and animations. Moeen created these videos to help each artist get a good start to each day and the resulting videos can also be useful to the wider community.
Use these simple shapes to add to your modelling toolset. Use one shape inside of another.
Give your models a rough look using the Edge Damage tool.
The Chaotic Shapes node generates point clouds based on the chaotic map formulas sometimes known as attractors.
Generate a rubber band like rope around an object based on inputs.
Divide polygons into panels that can be used to generate more complex geometry.
This node analyzes input images and generates regions that reflect the major shapes defined by the colored areas of the image.
This tool will smooth the specified input edge groups and relax the surrounding points.
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