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In this video, we explore the fundamentals of volume modelling in SideFX Houdini. We cover the basics of procedural 3d modelling. We delve into the various techniques for combining, shaping and refining volumes using simple primitive shapes, manipulating the volumes using smooth operations and converting the volume back to polygon meshes. We will cover different re-meshing techniques and operators such as grid remesher and exoside quad remesher.

Level: Beginner


00:00 Introduction

01:50 Basic shape setup

02:50 Converting polygons to volumes

03:52 Converting volumes to polygons

04:26 Smoothing volumes

05:46 Basic boolean operation

07:18 Create Volumes from particles

09:23 Second abstract shape

11:29 Platonic primitive basics

12:33 Copy objects to surfaces

16:48 Remesh to grid node

20:15 Exoside Quad Remesher

26:26 Outro



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