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In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a complete scene from scratch in Houdini’s Solaris using USD workflows, Component Builder, scattering, and instancing systems. I’ll show you how to organize and assemble the environment efficiently and bring it to life with realistic lighting crafted and rendered in Karma and Arnold.



Berika Lobzhanidze

Hi, I'm Berika Lobzhanidze! I'm a 3D Lighting and Compositing Artist with over seven years of experience, specializing in creating cinematic and stylistic visuals using Houdini, Maya, Arnold and Nuke. I’m passionate about blending technical precision with artistic creativity. Currently, I’m diving deeper into Houdini Solaris and Karma, exploring new possibilities in lighting and rendering.

More from Berika Lobzhanidze


  • freelancerakash11 2 weeks, 4 days ago  | 

    thanks you

    • Berika Lobzhanidze 2 weeks, 4 days ago  | 

      You're welcome!

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