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Learn about terrain nodes that you can use in the geometry context. Explore each node and how it contributes to a larger shot. This lesson is part of a larger series by Moeen Sayed covering nodes in Houdini

The node sends rays from the height field to the surface and (if it hits) uses the distance between the points to modify the height field value.
This node is useful for isolating peaks and valleys, areas where snow should be placed, and areas where vegetation can grow. The node has several different criteria you can use to create a mask. When more than one criterion is on, the final mask is the intersection of the different feature masks.
This node generates point geometry from a height field that can be used to populate a terrain with foliage.
This node uses rainfall, the erodibility of the soil, and entrainment rates as variables to simulate erosion and deposit buildup. This node works iteratively during playback. It will appear to have no effect on the first frame. You need to play the animation to see the effects of the node.
The Shallow Water Solver SOP can simulate bulk behavior of water on height fields. It can be used both for large-scale scenarios, like flooding a valley in terrain, or to simulate small-scale effects, such as a stream flowing into a storm drain.



Visual Effects artist for over 6 years and Houdini tutorial content creator. Co-founder of Nine Between, a South African Visual Effects Studio. Currently based in Johannesburg, South Africa.

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  • shivappa_458 9 months, 1 week ago  | 

    good information

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