
Chapter 1 - Preparation

Tiny mini look at terrain tools but mainly it focuses on prepping that terrain for the system by splitting it into the area that is relevant for calculation and manipulation. Also I introduce the idea of the nodetree that i am going to build. The whole system will live in one single container which is a different approach then most use. But thats just a question of taste.

Chapter 1 | Clip 1



David is a Software Developer and VFX Artist based in Germany. Houdini has allowed him to combine his experience in 3D and scripting, taking both to new heights. He has a passion for sharing his knowledge and tries to do his very best to make a difference in the community.

More from David Kahl


  • GuySmith 4 years, 5 months ago  | 

    That's Cool. You might want to go for a walk every once in a while. Very Cool.

  • pbowmar 4 years, 5 months ago  | 

    Funniest intro video ever, nicely done :)

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