Beyond Explosions: yes you will learn explosions. but in order to finish these shots you need to know Shading, Rendering, Compositing and a lot of things a "generalist" would do. After the workshop you should be equipped with the knowledge to be a one man motherf*cking army and kick ass. You will copy my SkillStack that I worked more then a decade on and hopefully that will give you a good double jump forward.

In this workshop, Urban Bradesko will explore the journey of creating explosions in Houdini. During the first few weeks, we will focus on art direction and building our emitters.

Emitters constitute 80% of the appearance in explosions, and regardless of the solver used, they are essential for creating the look, shapes, and speed of the explosion. Without a solid emitter, you are merely testing your luck on how the explosion will be simulated, since the shapes change every time you alter the resolution.

We will also take a look at building the shaders. The subsequent weeks will be dedicated to practical, shot-based projects like those seen in the teaser. We recreated famous explosion shots and reverse-engineered how they were done. We will be tackling rendering and compositing as well. These are just some of the shots we will be recreating.

The workshop content is made by Julen Elia, Ismael Martinez, Ayush Ramana & Urban Bradesko

Start Date: Oct 7, 2024


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