This Tutorial is an Overview of the different nodes available to create UVs in Houdini, and also covers setup, display and previewing of UVs and textures in Houdini, and demonstrates a quick way to display PBR textures.
The topics covered are
- Displaying UVs (at 1:00 minutes)
- UV Quickshade node (at 3:40 minutes)
- Simple UV tools: UV Unwrap, UV Project, UV Texture nodes (at 5:45 minutes)
- UV Pelt node (at 14:20 minutes)UV Flatten node (at 22:50 minutes)
- UV Autoseam node (at 30:50 minutes)UV Layout node (at 39:20 minutes)
- UV Editing Tools: UV Brush, UV Edit, UV Transform, UV Smooth, UV Fuse (at 42:30 minutes)
- Multiple UV sets (at 47:40 minutes)
- Displaying PBR textures in Houdini (at 49:40 minutes)
You can download a copy of the finished Smoking Spacemen Robot here, including a HIP file with the network used to build the robot as well as finished UV'd model GEO file.
ragupasta 5 years, 2 months ago |
Hi Susie.
I've been fiddling with Houdini from a personal perspective since 2005. As SideFX has been enhancing their modelling toolkit over the last few years I'm starting to lean from 3ds max to Houdini in this department, so videos like this is extremely good to watch (as you said about how hard it is to make a UV video interesting - I understand that).
Anyway you passed on some very helpful tips and tricks that I was unaware of on the UV front, so thank you for your effort. It will be interesting to see what you come up with in the future as laying out UV's is an area most people shy away from.
Thanks again and all the best!
Cos 4 years, 5 months ago |
Very useful I'm learning quite a lot from you. Thanks
Pacman972 4 years, 4 months ago |
This kind of video format presenting all the available tools for a specific domain of the soft is clever ! You see "almost" the potential of Houdini and this video makes you ready to deal with tools rapidly. Nice job ! Thanks
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