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Over the course of this series we will take a look at the fundamentals of vex.
Starting by what it is/ where to use it as well as different concepts and it's built-in functions.
I hope to guide beginners in vex to get a better understanding of vex and how to use it.
This Season is splittet in 10 Episodes and will start by the very beginning. In later episodes we will discover some very cool functions and we look at helpful examples.
In 10 Episodes we will discover Vector Expressions in Houdini. This Trailer shows the topics we will cover and give you an idea what to expect from this series.
Over the course of this series we will take a look at the fundamentals of vex.
Starting by what it is/ where to use it as well as different concepts and it's built-in functions.
In programming in general, a data type, is a classification that specifies which type of value a variable has.
Lets talk about attributes and variables. Both of them contain data of a specific type and hold a value.
Lets talk about built-in functions in vex. A function contains instructions used to create an output from its inputs.
This function lets you create a parameter as an ui element of a specific type and returns its value.
Neighbours and Nearpoints are two seperate functions, that return arrays of points. The main difference between both is, that Neighbour will return a pointnumber of the closest connected point of the input point. Connected in this case by an edge. Nearpoint will return a pointnumber of the closest point in space. So Connectivity (based on connected points) and Proximity (based on nearess in space).
Point or pimitive groups can simply be seen as integer attributes where 1 equals in the group and 0 not in the group. This attribute has the prefix group and houdini does detect that prefix and knows it is a group.
Primuv and xyzdist. These two are often mentiond in the same context since they play together very well. Primuv Interpolates the value of an attribute at a certain parametric (uvw) position. Xyzdist Finds the distance from a point to the closest location on surface geometry.
A point cloud is a set of points in space that hold data, in our case attributes.
In the Houdini docs under vex function, you can filter pointcloud functions. We have around 37 functions associated with point clouds. They often have the prefix pc.
Houdini offers a large library of vex functions, but also gives you the possibility to write your own functions. With that, you can extend houdinis capabiliys even further.
swikarp 1 year, 7 months ago |
Mine doesn't work . I have same code but it didn't work. Also I would be thankful if you make me clear about code
swikarp 1 year, 7 months ago |
Code of last part of neighbour video
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